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UNF Tap & Die Complete Sets
UNC Tap & Die Complete Sets
UNC & UNF, Tap & Die Complete Sets
Tap & Drill Set UNC & UNF
Presto Tap 6-32 NC Spiral Pointed Tap
Presto 8-32 NC Spiral Pointed Tap
Presto 10-32 NF, Spiral Pointed Tap
PG Steel Conduit Taps
NS Special Taps, 9/32" to 9/16"
NS Special Taps, 5/8" to 15/16"
NS Special Taps, 1-1/2" to 4-1/2"
NS Special Taps, 1" to 1-7/16"
NS Special Taps, #1 to 1/4"
NS 7/16" to 5/8" Special Dies
NS 11/16" to 1" Special Round Dies
NS 1/8" to 13/32" Special Round Dies
NS 1-1/16" to 2" Special Round Dies
NS #0-#14 Screw Size Special Round Dies
NPT Taps
NPT Tap & Die Complete Sets
NPT Dies (Tapered Thread)
NPS Taps
NPS Dies (Parallel Thread)
NF Carbon Steel Taps (Set of 3)
NF Carbon Steel Dies
NC Carbon Steel Taps (Set of 3)
NC Carbon Steel Dies
National Pipe Taper (NPT) Combined Drill & Taps
National Fine (UNF) Taps
National Fine (UNF) Dies
National Fine (UNF) Combined Drill & Taps
National Coarse (UNC) Taps
National Coarse (UNC) Dies
National Coarse (UNC) Combined Drill & Taps
National Coarse & Fine (UNC & UNF) GH11 Oversize Spiral Point Taps
Micro Miniature Taps (Metric UNM)
Micro Miniature Taps (Inch / Imperial)
Micro Miniature Dies (UNM)
Micro Miniature Dies (Inch / Imperial)
Micro Miniature Die Holders